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Starring: John Cusack, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Amanda Peet, Thandie Newton  
Directed by: Roland Emmerich
Rating: ★★½

A chain of natural events leads to scientists predicting the end of the world, but it comes sooner than they think. It was forseen by the Mayans that the end of the world will take place in 2012, but are they correct? 

Well, if they weren't then this film would just be about people running around scared that something bad might happen to them. Scientists, Presidents and normal people take centre stage in this star studded disaster flick, all of them being in a significant place at a significant time, for example hiking in Yellowstone Park at the time it begins to explode. But this is all normal disaster movie territory: esablish some likeable and some detestable characters, have someone predicting that something horrible will happen, and then have it happen, with a high body count. When the world begins to end, characters begin to evaporate, and although it is predictable which characters might survive, there are still some unexpected shocks, and these deaths are often moving. 

The film makes a great statement about what would actually happen if every government in the world knew about what would happen and the precautions they would take, proving that the rich would be the only survivors, but our plucky everyman hero (John Cusack), makes sure some people 'like us' try to make it out of the film alive.

Who can survive a global apocalypse? John Cusack- that's who!

The special effects are amazing, the acting is good and the plot is fun. Chiwetel Ejiofor is good as the moral scientist, and Thandie Newton proves her acting merits by tackling all the emotional scenes. It is a long film, but it didn't feel too long, which is a good thing. Although some of the characters do stupid things that I hope normal people wouldn't do (e.g. saving your dog), the film pushes the whole 'what makes us human' thing down our throats, particularly at the end, but it isn't too cheesy, but is still very sappy.  
All in all, a good and interesting disaster film with some great set pieces and exciting action sequences. Even though it is obvious, it does what it sets out to achieve, and in an action film that is all you could ask for.

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