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Cream eye shadows

In 2013 I did the discovery, when it comes to make up application: cream eye shadows. My eyes are not the best feature of my face, I would say my lips are. My eyes are okay, I'm lucky enough to have good eyebrow and eyelashes and my eyes are also a bit bigger than average. My main issue is the shape, I've got "puppy eyes" also know as down turned eyes (like Katie Holmes or Sarah Michelle Gellar).

Through the years, I tried many techniques to try to "lift" my eyes without much success. I mean how naive can I be? If they can't hide it on Britney of Maggie Gyllenhaal how can I hide it? Those ladies have the best make up artists in the world. So I did it all, I was even sometimes using five different color of eye shadow: one pearly highlighter in the inner corner, a mat highlighter on the brow bone, a base color, a contour color and sometimes an even darker one blended in the contour to try to cheat even more. Than came the eyeliner and the mascara, ouf! I got good results, but it was almost taking the fun away of make up.

This year I started to simplify and finally I started to watch more and more videos of the talented Lisa Eldridge (make up artist of Keira Knightley and Kate Winslet among others). Ms Eldridge uses cream eye shadows a lot which she considers more modern. Those of you who don't know her I strongly advise to check her website: http://lisaeldridge.com/


  • They blend like a charm.
  • They give a luminous result
  • You only need one or two colors
  • Dark colors can be used as a eyeliner
  • They are very easy to apply, you don't need to be skilled with make up
  • They don't have any fallout (you can always do the face first)
  • They can be used as a base color under powder make up
  • They don't last as long as powder eye shadow, they end up drying up
  • Hard to find good ones on a budget (I really like the maybelline one, but some colors are not so good apparently)
  • They take more place in your make up kit; you cannot depot them and put them on a pallet
  • They might crease on extremely oily eyelids. 

I will do reviews soon of the ones I got and maybe take some action pics. How about you, do you use cream eyeshadows?

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