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Let's Do Something...

Hello My Lovelies,

I hope you are all doing well and are having a fabulous week so far! I have something a little different to talk about today. The topic is a little different to what i usually write over on my blog, however, it is something important that i felt why shouldn't i talk about it?! As a blogger i want to be able to be able to talk to you all about a wide range of different things, i totally understand this post won't be for everyone but at least it is helping to spread the message.

I was asked to get involved in a campaign with Vagisil to open a conversation about intimate health and support the Vagisil 'Let's Do Something' campaign. For some reason, many people feel uncomfortable talking about their Vaginas. Did that word make you double take? Yeah, we are in fact talking about Vaginas on the blog today. Do you get a little embarrassed talking about your intimate health? Because 40% of women recently polled by Vagisil admitted thet they hate the word and 4 in 10 said they have never talked about it.

The bloggers community is full of women and the word Vagina is constantly repeated on our much loved favourite television show 'Sex & The City' so why is it still so hard to talk about? Someone has to so here i am getting involved in the Vagisil campaign. It's just like writing a health or lifestyle post! The 'Let's Do Something' campaign is a movement, to encourage women to learn more about their intimate health. Their mission is to remove the taboo and make it less embarrassing to talk about your intimate health and address any problems and concerns.