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review : skin food tomato whitening series

note : this post below is my post from my first blog http://galleryibu.multiply.com  and i just copied here with some updates.

Skin food tomato whitening series

Skin food whitening cream
from skinfood website :

This skin-brightening essence containing arbutin and tomato extract rich in lycopene, vitamins, and minerals makes dull skin clear and blemish-free and improves skin tone, without stickiness.

* Use:
After lotion, apply gently onto face and cover face with hands, for deep absorption.

nahh ini.. aku prefer cream nya dibanding emulsion-nya. versi cream-nya rich, melembabkan. wanginya sama. whitening cream. whitening? tapi deskripsinya brightening. yup. brightening, not whitening. Yang jelas setelah pake se-set tomato ini emang aku notice muka jadi lebih cerah. dan efek lainnya adalah noda2 bekas jerawat mulai menipis..yeeeeyyy..

ini botol pump, jaul lebih bagus dari kemasan emulsion nya. bagusnya lagi setelah abis atau ga bisa keluar lagi di pump, tinggal puter dan buka, bisa dicolek pake tangan sisa krim-nya.hehehe.

overall, aku puas sama set tomato skinfood ini. kerasa banget bedanya dari sebelum pake dan setelah pake.
sayang produk ini aku dibeliin. kalo bisa pilih aku pasti pilih peach sake atau lettuce cucumber atau fresh juice c.

update march 19,2011 -- i've tried skin food fresh juice series, and turned out i like this more. the cream of tomato is richer, rich enough to moisturize my skin in yemen's winter, while fresh juice series not moisturize enough. i think the gel type like fresh juice is not for me. will post the review soon.
 skinfood tomato emulsion

lets start from what skinfood website said :

This lightweight skin-brightening emulsion containing arbutin and tomato extract rich in lycopene, vitamins, and minerals makes dull skin clear and blemish-free and improves skin tone, by suppressing melanin pigment formation.

* Use:
Spot apply serum onto face and press gently with palms to absorb.

my thought :

aku pake ini setelah toner. harusnya sih serum dulu, tapi ngga punya serumnya :)
ini formulanya light banget. untuk cuaca seperti di Yaman sih aku prefer cream-nya daripada emulsion-nya. Kalau emulsion aja kurang "rich" dan ga cukup untuk melembabkan.
Jadi aku pake ini setelah mandi pagi atau sebelum pake bb cream, pake ini sebagai pelembab pagi-siang.
Wanginya enak, wangi tomat lembut (wanginya gak strong).

hmmm...no. udah decide mau beli set-nya peach sake aja

update march 19,2011-- this emulsion really last long!! i finished the cream and toner, while this emulsion still standing there.. now i don't know how will i finish this bottle without the other set. i just don't like mixing them!

Skin food tomato whitening toner

from skin food :

This skin-brightening toner containing arbutin and tomato extract rich in lycopene, vitamins, and minerals makes dull skin clear and blemish-free, improving skin tone.

* Use:
After washing, apply desired amount to face, and pat gently to absorb.

Pertama buka dan ngeluarin isinya, my first impression : ih, kok toner aneh gini sih, lengket-lengket. aku buka website-nya skin food dan info cara pake nya kok ngga jelas.singkat banget. "apply desired amount to face" with what? just like that? pake kapas ato diusap seperti lotion biasa trus baru dipakein kapas? apalagi baca-baca review di internet, produk2 toner korea banyak yang dipakenya seperti lotion, tanpa kapas.
ok, aku coba tuang sedikit di tangan, trus usap ke muka,, hueeeekkk lengket.. aneh.. besokannya coba diusap pake tangan baru pake kapas, tetep aneh..akhirnya aku pikir, ah, ngga guna nih,, ngga penting.
Besokannya aku skip aja pemakaian toner. abis bersihin muka langsung pake aja emulsion dan cream nya. 2-3 hari, kok kaya ada yang aneh, ada yang kurang. Akhirnya aku pikir, mungkin emang harus pakai toner-nya ya..
akhirnya besokannya aku coba lagi tonernya, kali ini aplikasiin biasa pake kapas kaya biasa bersihin pake toner loreal atau ponds. Lagian dari dulu kalo orang indonesia kan emang pake tonernya pake kapas kan.. aku coba, ihh enak.. dingin, berasa seger, wanginya enak..
trus lanjut ke emulsion dan cream, baru kerasa banget bedanya.. lebih seger, fresh, lembab, halus..heeemmm jadi emang jangan di-skip deh toner ini.

updated march 19,2011-- comparing to fresh juice toner, i like this one better! and overall, tomato whitening line won over fresh juice line!! well, at least for me..

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