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16 Random Questions Tag :)

Hey my beauties i hope you are all well :) 
Well as you can see by the title this is a 16 Random Questions Tag 
& Seeing as this is Random i decided to put a Random picture in my blog post lol with a bit of humour haha as thats just who i am both Random and Humorous (well most of the time anyway) 
So i first seen this blog post on Marians blog called The high life of Mars whom i love reading she too is an Irish blogger Check her blog out you will love it :) 

Well i love tag videos and blog post and when i commented on hers she tagged me lol :) so its only now im getting round to doing it so here goes :) 

16 Random Questions

1.What was the last concert you went to?
Shakira and boy was it the best concert I have went to.  My dad bought me and my sister tickets to go and i thought "ok i like her but would she be any good live???" Well i can tell you now she is better live :) absolutely amazing concert and lasted and hour and half AMAZING 

2.When did you last drink champagne?
IOk you might find this hard to believe but i have never tasted it :O not even the cheap stuff no......I want to wait until i have a huge occasion to celebrate and then i will crack open that all expensive bottle of champers :) 

3.Have you been dancing recently?
I dance all the time :) I dance in my kitchen while im cooking, dance while cleaning my windows, dance with my sweeping brush, dance while applying makeup etc.......most of all i dance all the time with my kiddies i feel dancing is a great way to churp yourself up, exercise and most of all have fun :) 

4.Put your iPod on shuffle (alternatively pick the closet CD/cassette/LP/turn on the radio) – what’s the first track?
Bat out of hell------Meatloaf     you gotta love a bit of meatloaf :) 

5.If you could compete in any event in the London 2012 Olympics, what would it be?
The first to finish a smokey eye look :) :) :) :) :) Sports is too much for me hahaha 

6.What is your favourite children’s book?
Roll of Thunder hear my cry........By Mildred D Taylor Amazing book 

7.How did you choose the title of your blog?
It took me two days to decide what to call my blog........I wanted to be Original but it sort of didnt work out that way.....but i knew i would be literally reviewing items that i either got on bargain or literally at bargain prices as I am and always have been a bargain hunter in everything lol so thats what i called it :) Nina's Bargain Beauty as most of what i review is to do with beauty....Not every original but its my own :) 

8.How much time do you spend on blogs and Twitter each week?
Oh man if i am not blogging myself im reading them, if im not making videos im watching them blogging is my life along with been a full-time mum and i love been a mum more but blogging is a whole different part of my life without it i would be lost :) 

9.What would you regard as your biggest achievement?
Wow thats is an amazingly hard question.........I suppose everything in my life that i have been through i have achieved to pull through it :) i suppose my biggest achievement is been a mum......Its the hardest job in the world and thats no word of a lie but when i see my kiddies doing something new everyday or doing something i thought them to do....THATS MY BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT.....Along with that i achieved a degree in IT in college :) 

10.Who are you inspired by?
My Dad....He is a big inspiration to be he has the most biggest heart anyone could ever have......yes he has a few little faults i would love to change but who doesnt lol 
He has always shown me that family is most important in life and he would literally give his last penny/cent away just to see someone happy.  I feel i have taken after him and i hope i rub that off to my kids :) :) Love you Dad :) 

11.Who stole the cookies from the cookies jar?
ME!!!! Well i did make them so why shouldnt I hehehehehe

12.If you could introduce one new law what would it be?
I have to agree with Marian in this one...........It would be to legalise same sex marriage in Ireland.  Absolutely everyone has the right to get married and it shouldnt make a difference if they are male and female or same sex what business has anyone got to tell anyone they shouldnt be together for the rest of their lives !!!!!!! That and who should or shouldnt have kids !!!!!

13.What book do think everyone should read at least once, you know the one you read, fell in love with and have since taken to recommending it to people at every opportunity?
To be honest? I am not a huge book reader never was really but one book i did read (when i was in secondary school) was written by the author Joan Lindgard. It describes the way both Catholic and Protestant children in Belfast think about each other. The title is also the date the Protestants march to celebrate king William of Orange’s defeat over the Catholics in the late 16th century.  It was made into a series i found them so interest and never forgot them :) 

14.If you could wake up tomorrow anywhere in the world, where would you be?
Oh wow i suppose New York Id love it :) I always wanted to go to America :) Maybe some day :) 

15.When was the last time you did something that was scared you?
Ok im going to be a little serious in this one but the last time i done something that scared me was bringing my 2nd oldest son up to get check out in hospital as you have probably seen on my blog i done a post about a rare cancer my oldest boy had call Retinoblastoma and even though the doctors told me it was not genetic there is still a possibility after all you dont know these day but anyways the doctors told me i am better off getting the rest of my children check out one by one to rule it out well my boy was up there 3 weeks ago for tests and it petrified me but thankfully he was ruled out phewwwww.  Thats the only recent scary thing i have went through 

16.Are you a believer in always telling the truth, no matter what the consequences, or are there times when it’s best to keep your mouth shut?
Ok nobody in this world is a saint!!!!! Not one person has went through life without telling some sort of lie.  I am a great believer in telling the truth about big things for sure and i always always teach my kids to tell the truth no matter how bad it is as you wont get into as much trouble as you would if you were caught out lying but i do believe we have to tell little lies sometimes in a bid to save someone from been hurt badly.  If someone want my utmost honest opinion i would give it.  If i felt that the truth would hurt the person but save them at the same time i would 100% tell the truth without a doubt.

So thats it everyone awwww I thought i would be forever answering these but did not take me long at all 
Well anyone who wants to be tagged YOUR TAGGED :) :) 
I love reading these posts as you get to know who your are following more :) 
I hope you enjoyed this 
Until Next time 
Lots of Love Luck and Laughter 

I love love love hearing from you all :) I make it my duty to read each and every one of you comments and every time i get a comment from you it highlights my day thanks so so much to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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