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Nikki Boston Waterloo Road Heather Peace

Nikki Boston Waterloo Road Heather Peace

Nikki Boston was one of the most unpopular teachers at the school she taught at. She did not really realize just hoe unpopular she really was. The school that she worked at was having some special activities for the end of term. One of the main attractions on the day was all of the students would get to vote to say which teacher they would like to see gunged. The teacher with the most votes would get gunged stwnsh style at an assembly in front of all students and faculty. Nikki never dreamed that she would be the unlucky one that would be placed in the stocks.

On the day, she wore a light blue button down shirt, dark blue trousers and a belt. The students were all gathered. The entire auditorium was full and everyone was extremely excited to see what was going to happen. The teachers were all sat in front of the stage on chairs in a row. The head teacher came up to the podium and began to speak. “Thanks to everyone for another fantastic school year. Everyone has done so well and we have a reward in store for you all. As a reward to the students, a teacher is going to be placed in the stocks and gunged for everyone’s viewing pleasure.” Everyone clapped and cheered. “As you all know, you having been voting and making your choice. I am sure everyone is dying to know who the unlucky teacher will be. I suppose the teachers themselves are quite anxious to know the results. Well the results are in. This is the moment that we have all been waiting for.” A hushed silence fell over the auditorium.

“The teacher with the most votes and who will be the one to get gunged in front of everyone is…,” she paused for a moment,” Nikki Boston.” The students erupted in applause and laughter. The other teachers chuckled. Nikki’s mouth fell open in shock. She instantly began to sweat and began to turn red. “Come on Miss Boston, get up here,” she said. Nikki reluctantly stood up. The curtain on the stage was pulled back and the whole stwnsh catapult was revealed. She reluctantly had to walk up onto the stage up the stairs. The students cheering and whistling at her.  The look on her face was priceless. She squirmed. She looked very uncomfortable. It was squeaky bottom time for her. She shook her head. She was annoyed, but there was little that she could do. She was shown up to the place where she had to stand. She was told where to put her head and her arms. She reluctantly bent over and pushed her head through the hole and placed her hands in the correct holes. She bent over, her backside high in the air, her legs spread slightly, her two large breasts dangling. By this time, everyone was on their feet with their camera phones up.

Nikki Boston was now in place. She looked forward at all the happy face cheering on her doom. She could see the plates of gunge that were set up for her. The first plate was now being placed on the catapult. “Ok everyone, this is what we all wanted to see. Here it goes Miss Boston is about to get it. This is a moment that none of us will ever forget.” Nikki Boston closed her eyes in anticipation of the coming impact of the gunge plates. Her only hope now was that they would be off target. The other teachers were loving this. Most of them thought that Nikki was up herself and really deserved this. They turned around to watch the humorous site of Nikki Boston’s head sticking out of the large ice cream cone shaped pillory. Everyone was ready to see her humiliated in front of the entire school.

The students were going to get to do the honours. The first place of gunge was now loaded and ready to fire. The gung in them was green and blue. By this time the students and faculty were all chanting,” Gunge her, gunge her.” The first student took position and slammed down their hand on the end of the catapult.  Everything seemed to fall silent for a second. Miss Boston closed her eyes. The plate of thick blue gunge flew through the air. It landed with a splat squarely in Nikki Boston’s face. The reaction was a loud echo of laughter that erupted in the auditorium. The plate bounced off of her face leaving blobs of sloppy blue gunge all over her face. Gunge dripped along the creases along the sides of her mouth, all over her forehead and across her nose. Gunge dripped down her face and her short brown hair. She was instantly gunged. The entire school was treated to the sight of her face dripping in blue gunge. She bit her lip. She could feel the tinges of humiliation run through her body. The sensation of mucky gunge dripping down her face.

The next plate of green gunge was now placed on the catapult. Everyone started to chant again. The next student approached and took great pleasure in pushing down on the catapult, sending the plate of gunge flying in the air directly at Miss Boston’s face. Nikki closed her eyes as the plate landed perfectly on her face. It stuck in place for a moment, engulfing most of her head before falling downwards. Everyone cheered and laughed again. The green gunge circled her hair and dripped down the front of her face. She gave a pained expression as the gunge cascaded down her face. Some of it splashing on her hands and body.

The next plate of gunge was quickly loaded into place. The next student smiled at Miss Boston and then looked down. Nikki took a deep breath and puffed up her cheeks as he pushed down on the catapult, sending the plate of blue gunge flaying into her face. It comically hit her in the face, leaving a spritz of blue gunge across her face. The other teachers were clapping and laughing. Nikki’s face made comical expressions of  trying to cope with the mess that she was covered in along with total humiliation. The usually very serious teacher was not taking being publicly humiliated very well.

The next plate was now loaded onto the catapult by another students. Some of the students were students that she taught every single day. Some of them she had graded poorly or had treated unfairly, they were now getting the chance to get their own back on her. It was about to come her way in the form of another plate of green gunge. She looked across at the gunge plate that sat on the catapult. She braced herself. The student pushed down, flinging the gunge plate across. It smashed into the side of her face leaving a layer of sloppy green mess across her outer facial features, adding to the layers of gunge that already coated her face. Nikki did not smile. She knew that everyone would be recording this. Her face was covered in gunge.   

She could hardly see at this point because of the gunge that covered her face. What she could see is that there appeared to be no more gunge plates left. She hoped that this would mean that the messiness was over for her. “Well,” the head teacher said,” That was a lot of fun, but we have one more surprise for Miss Boston.” Nikki took a deep breath, she could only imagine what it might be but she knew that it was nothing that she was going to like. “Do we want to see the surprise everyone?,” the head teacher asked. Everyone cheered. Nikki rolled her eyes. “Well, we have been saving all of the leftovers from the school canteen this week just for this very special occasion and they are all about to come Miss Boston’s way.” Everyone cheered loudly. Nikki mouthed the word no, but could not be heard under all of the applause. With that, a large plastic garbage can was brought out by two of the male teachers. It was filled with all of the leftovers, unused food and plate scrapings for the entire week. Nikki tried to remember what had been served that week. She was about to get a heaping helping of it. By now everyone in the auditorium were on their feet cheering and laughing. “Miss Boston is going to experience cafeteria food like she never has before.”

Nikki squirmed in place. Her butt cheeks shuffled. She looked decidedly uncomfortable. “Ok, it is time to serve up some school lunch for Miss Boston. The teachers lifted the trash can in the air over Nikki. The whole school was on their feet. Nikki lowered her head and closed her eyes, awaiting the torrent of leftovers that she was about to be faced with. As they started to pour, the crowd erupted with cheers. Everyone watched as  mountains of half eaten left over food fell through the air and landed all over Nikki Boston. All sorts of bits of disgusting rotting food poured down onto Nikki. They poured in down her back, all over her ass, down her legs. They poured more over her head. There was meat, cold cuts, bits of sandwiches, gravy, eggs, pasta, sweet corn, tuna fish, mashed potatoes, baked beans and spaghetti poured down all over Nikki’s body. They moved the bucket up and down her body. The food stuck all over her clothes. Her body was plastered in filthy leftovers.  More poured down on top of her head. The mess poured down over her face, covering her hair. Masses of rotten food covered her from head to toe.

“Well everybody, let’s hear it for Miss Boston,” the head teacher said. She was allowed to come out of the stocks now. She stood up and let some of the excess mess fall down her body. Her clothes and body were covered in inches of cafeteria slop. Everyone continued laughing at her. She wiped her eyes and frowned. She could see everyone holding up their phones. The stoic teacher did not even grin. She walked out of the assembly.

She had to clean what she could up off herself in the ladies bathrooms. She had no other choice but to go home still slathered in mess. Photos and videos wound up all over the school, online and in social media. It was something no one ever let her forget.

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