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Taking Care Hands and Feet

Hi everyone!

Today let's talk about caring your hands and feet ^_^

Everyday and almost every posts here is about face, face and face haha! It is time to discuss other part of our body that need attention as well in looking gorgeous. Summer is here, it's time for flip flop and the trends of open shoes and colors are here too, so the attention is on the other part of our body. You want those hands and feet looking well-groomed as well.

Staying in Jakarta means summer all year long and open toes slippers is always in. Imagine wearing a pair of Jimmy Choo and ehm, those nasty chapped dry heels are visible or the unmanageable toes, they are in need of pampering as well.

There are so many ways of making them look good. From the simplest way at home and daily maintenance to the high end treatments done in a salon or spa.

For me the key start with Cleanliness. As long as they are clean, point no.1  is taken ^^

From washing your hands and feet when they are dirty to scrubbing them well. The skin on our hands and feet are 'tougher' in terms of we use our feet for walking daily, so it need to be tough, if not we feel so much pain every single step. And Our hands as well. We touch and hold so many thing daily and it need layers that protect from the heat (cooking mama), roughness (working papa), and other jobs. Some parts can be visible thicker due to constant friction. Like parts where you hold your pen, it create some bumps as a natural cushion. It doesn't always look good but our body have the tendency to adjust to any situation we're in.

Nevertheless, due to the adjust mentioned above some part can be quite 'damage', seen with roughness, chapped and overly dry. So after scrubbing it, we are using moisturizer for hands and/or feet.

But since those area are used a lot ^0^ some products do cause the hands and feet to be slippery thanks to the oils contained. I experienced it a lot on my feet. To overcome this I put some lotion at night before bed, giving the feet enough time to recover or moisturized over the night. But it need to be done several time and not an instant result. The skin on the are does soften, but easily dries again.

With the hands? Same thing. I wash my hands a lot, from doing laundry, dishes and daily habit as well. So usually the moisture doesn't last long, I need something instantly making them look good ^^

While pampering is the key, I'm thinking of spa and soaking them real good. There are so many items out there that can be used as a bath soak or some sort. Where I'm letting the natural ingredients soften the skin and nourish it. But again, too much soaking can leave the skin drier, especially when it's done with warm or hot water.

My resort? Spa and beauty salon! They can pampered my hands and feet alright ^__^ but (haha, I'm really sounds like a complainer) I can't do this all the time and spend my time at the salon/spa daily. The service depends on the staff and well, humans are also known for being moody and does errors from time to time. I hate when they over clipped the skin, it is painful and sanitizing is a standard not every salon can achieve.

They do have bonus thou', pretty nails afterwards,

From the most unnatural,

 To the most natural look.

From hands,

To toes.

But I wish I can do these at home all by myself with the easiest way. How?

Yes, try TALIKA ^^ I do tried their Instant Manicure --> HERE

And I see an instant result :)

So nails-wise, they are covered. I still want the rough part on the book of my hands and heels be securely lovable as well. Right now all my choices is in the daily treatment. From cleanliness, scrub/peeling, and oh, one more thing, for the feet, we need them smells real good as well. I do found many ideas on removing the odors --> HERE. Aren't there an all in one solutions? The one that gives smoothness, smells good, pampering, moisturizing, and for the nails too?

Before we go there, daily diet also important for a healthy nails and skin, including the skin on our hands and feet. Nails in particular have these details:

Nail problems    Possible nutrient deficiency
Brittle, weak and dry      Calcium, Vitamin A
White spots       Iron, Zinc
Cracking and breaking    Protein, Iron
White lines        Zinc, Protein
Curved nail end and darkening     Vitamin B12
Reddish-brown spots      Folic acid, Protein and Vitamin C

(from Nestle-Family.com)

And one more that often asked, yellowish? Is due to color pigment, who often colored their nails without using base coat to protect the nails, the pigment goes into the nails. Other problem such as fungus, etc, can be solved with anti-fungus cream.

Euuhhhhhhh!!!! I know, I know, we are all here to discuss how can hands and feet become gorgeously beautiful ^__^ take note that beautiful hands and feet (incl nail) start from a healthy condition. After that then you can enhance the condition by pampering pampering and pampering ^^

So remember, healthy diet, cleaning, soaking, scrubbing, and moisturizing is the key to a beautiful hands and feet. Let's wait if there's a product that can give us a result of all that in one, until then let's do the conventional way.

See you!

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