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Why is this difficult?

“Multiculturalism means the coexistence of Islam, Asian religions and Christianity. We will do everything to spare Hungary from that,” [Hungary's prime minister] said in an interview with the daily newspaper Napi Gazdasag. “We welcome non-Christian investors, artists, scientists; but we don’t want to mix on a mass scale.”

[Viktor] Orban, whose governing Fidesz party was losing ground in the polls to the far-right [?], anti-immigrant Jobbik party, had clashed with European counterparts over his isolationist views. At the European Parliament in mid-May, he criticized as “bordering on insanity” EU proposals for migrant quotas drafted in response to thousands of deaths among asylum-seekers trying to reach Europe across the Mediterranean in increasing numbers.[1]

An isolationist is apparently someone who doesn't think public spaces in his country should be used as latrines and for whom the prospect of Mogadishu am Danube is unappealing. I suppose the WWII Red Army was composed of isolationists as they're said to have resisted the German invasion with consider energy and unimaginable sacrifice.

By way of contrast, Western people in the main wet their pants at the thought of being submerged in a tidal wave of foreigners. With joy, of course, not out of fear.

Our work is done.
What else can one say but that we are a weak, vagified, maudlin, brain-dead, contemptible civilization?
[1] “MULTICULTI ENDING.” By Chris Brand, IQ & PC, 6/9/15.

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